Friday, July 22, 2011

Make Up Love...

I and make up have a long started when I was a little kiddo desperately wanting my mum to paint my lips with her lovely shades of lip-stick. I have a picture of mine on my 7th birthday with rosy red cheeks and same coloured lips. Mum says I refused to go out without my make-up done!! It was an innocent infatuation which turned into love.

There is no perfect reason for doing this post but there is indeed a story. When I was nagging all my friends from school,building,college,etc. to check my facebook page (here) , one of my childhood friend saw it and after a long time there was a chat window with her name saying "So at last you fulfilled your fashion desires", I said " Yaa :) ". Then her very next sentence shocked me,"Remember your water make-up??", my mind went like 'water make-up???'.....'WATER MAKE_UP!!!!' She reminded me of this funny idea I had when I was small...I would take paint brush and make designs by water drops on our faces....though it lasted for very few minutes I had a great pride creating it!!

So, obviously I had to dedicate one post for my this love for make-up. I know many girls love make-up like I do. It is a lovely art through which we express ourselves. Make-up differs from person to might want to go bold with it but other might want to have a subdued look.
For every day look from my opinion must include(basic) a good base like foundation,sunscreen,powder,etc for protection of your skin(as per your skin type), khol, lip gloss and eye-liner or mascara.

Below is my first experiment with actual make-up!!

Since pink is my favourite colour(as you all know by now :P) I did my first experiment with it!!:)

The base colour is light pink and the shadow effect is given by purple with a touch of eye-liner and mascara!!!

Fill your life like and with a make-up colour palette because life is too good to be as simple as black and white. :)


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