Wednesday, June 11, 2014

DIY Denim II

This is the second part of this series of Denim DIYs. For this DIY I had made roses from cut denim stripes, similar to the ones we make from ribbon. These were supposed to go on the necklace here, but I later thought that they would look better on a Frame giving it depth. This frame was the 2nd item for the assignment 'Reuse of Denim' given in my college.

Denim stripes cut from old (light-weight) denim jeans
A Frame
Half-pearls for decoration
Fabric Glue

For making the roses we start by knotting one end of the stripe, twisting it and turning it on the knot. Twist, turn and stitch as one whole round is complete. When we reach the end, stitch the end to the base.

Make as many flowers as required. I remember making 20-24 flowers in different sizes. The light blue ones came from a light-weight denim so I could make big flowers from it and the dark blue ones came from a bit heavier-weight denim so only small size flowers were possible from it.

I didn't record the process of making these flowers but I did get a picture from Pinterest here for you all to refer to.

For decorations I added half-pearls to some of the roses with fabric glue. Then with the help of fabric glue stuck these roses randomly on opposite corners of the frame. The frame was then ready!!

It is such a fun DIY. You can use such flowers on a vase or make other accessories from it!! Do let me know if you are going to try it too.

Until next time :)

Friday, June 6, 2014

Princess Line Dress

I realized I have never introduced this dress on my blog. I guess mostly because this was my last project in my sewing class. I am still amazed what all I could stitch under guidance because I had an amazing teacher. It has been 3 years now and I wore this dress many times.

Story of the Princess Line Dress - 
The origin of the dress was a Synthetic Green Saree on which my mum had done Kutch Embroidery. After overuse she wanted to dispose it. I was learning Princess Tucks/ Princess Line Dress then and had done one for mum as shown in the post here. So, I designed a dress around it. Using a synthetic fabric at such a stage was difficult while stitching. I had also wanted to learn to stitch cups for this dress though it wasn't backless. So, the overall stitching was challenging. But results were amazing and I am so proud!! :)

Stitched - by Me
Embroidery Work - by Mum

I am happy for the good pictures for this Outfit post (at last)!! Yay!! :)

Until next time,