Saturday, October 25, 2014

Gold Rush

With recycling on mind, we had a subject called Accessory Designing this semester. We were lucky to have an amazing 2-day session with Devinder Layal, in which he taught us different techniques with copper wires and how to make accessories from tin cans.

Keeping this in mind I tried my version of accessory with the cans. I tried to make a Handcuff Bracelet from Cafe Cuba Can as it perfectly fit my hand size and was thin enough to cut with help of  a paper cutter.

1 Can (as per size requirements with thin metal body)
Paper Cutter (be careful with it)
Filer (to smooth the edges if necessary)
Gold Spray Can

I took this Cafe Cuba Coffee Revolution can, which fits my hands perfectly and has a thin metal body which can be easily cut.

The first step is to cut the upper and lower end of the can and then cut from a side to form the basic shape of a handcuff bracelet. Be careful while cutting and handling these cans, because the cut edges can be pretty sharp. Mark your required design with help of pencil and scale on the silver side of the can. Make sure the cut-out areas are lesser than the metal body area so as to hold its shape.

The trickiest part is cutting out the design shapes. You need to be really careful at this stage as using a cutter can be dangerous. Patience is the key. With thin metal body, the paper cutter has to be used 5-6 times in a particular area with some force. Please be really careful while using a cutter. You can also use a filer to smooth out the edges if necessary.

The last part is the easiest and quite fun. Just spray it with a gold spray. You can get a spray can easily at any hardware store or some stationery stores.

Your Gold Handcuff Bracelet is ready to use!

I tried it out with an outfit for a meet with my bff, as seen in picture below.

You can also do a basic handcuff gold bracelet by not cutting out the design and spraying it with gold spray. It will definitely be more sturdy.

I am in love with it because it's perfect for this festive season. Hope you guys try it too.

Happy Diwali to all!!

Until Next Time,


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