Friday, December 23, 2011

Hair-Dressing 1st time ever!!!

My best friend registered me for a hair-dressing competition in her college. It was the first time I was supposed to do it with someone else hair. I usually do experiments with my hair and have never before touched anyone's hair in my life-time. It was first time and that too in a competition, so it was a bit intimidating. I did the styling experiment on my other best friend's hair. Of course I couldn't win because the other participants were pro but it was fun to get to do it!! :)

I called my hairstyle- My take on the messy bun traditional way.

The small pins where created by embroidery beads and hair pins.The look is simple. I first tied a pony then took 1/4 of the upper part of the hair in the ponytail and formed a messy bun. Then I made two parts of the remaining hair. Made a simple braid of the first part and twisted it round the bun and twisted the second part and again twisted around the braid. I decorated the bun with a bow pin that I already had with me and dressed the braid with the pins and beads. The same pins were used to decorate the front side of the head where I just twisted the hair and pinned it .

Here are the pics!!

Enjoy the day!! :)


  1. wooow grat post !! i have first giveway come to my blog. hope you wanna join it !

    my first giveway

  2. looks cutee.. : )

  3. I gave you the happy blogger award. Check this link-


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